21 January 2010

Walking Tour of Siena

A few pictures from the walking tour of Siena I took on my first full day.
Click on each photo for a larger view.
Below: The black and white Duomo in Siena.

The Torre dei Mangia of the Palazzo Pubblico (City Hall) in the Piazza del Campo, the main square of Siena.  My apartment is just off the Piazza; I can see this tower from my bedroom window!

A typical building in Siena.  Most people in Italy only have washing machines, since electricity is so expensive, and so they hang their wet clothes outside the window to dry.

Views of Siena from the Basilica dei Servi, one of the many ancient churches in Siena.  As you can see, almost every building has a terra cotta roof, and it's one of my favorite things about Siena.

Basilica dei Servi

San Guiseppe Church, which also functions as the oratory of the Onda (wave) contrada.

Night view from my bedroom window of the Torre dei Mangia ("Tower of the Eater") named for its first bell ringer.

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