24 January 2010

The Search for the Contrada Fountains

     This morning (Saturday), we all woke up late and then decided to go on a "treasure hunt" to look for the fountains of each of the 17 contradas in Siena.  In case you don't know, contradas are the basis for the Palio horse race that happens twice a year in Siena.  Contradas were based in the military defense of Siena back during the medieval era, when each contrada would have its own responsibility in the city's defense.  Now a days, they have become less important for civic life, and function to promote local pride and coherence.  Most contradas have allied and enemy contradas, but all face-off when it comes time for the Palio.  Each contrada has a fountain, baptismal font, and church, where each horse is brought and then blessed before they run in the Palio.  Unfortunately, we only found the fountain of 2 contradas: La Onda (Wave), which is the contrada that I live in, and Torre (Tower).  We do plan on finding all of them before the semester is up!

Above: A placard showing the territory of one of the contradas, Niccio (Shell).

Me and the Torre statue of an elephant with a tower on its back, one of the two fountains that we found.

One of the many beautiful arches that towers over each street.

The fountain of La Onda (wave) with its dolfino (dolphin) mascot at top.

This is my "wish you were here" photo!

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