12 February 2010

Let it snow... In Siena!

    Just thought you would like to know that it's snowing here in Siena!  Although the snow isn't sticking to the streets, it is on the roofs of all the buildings and bell towers of all of the churches!  It looks like a winter wonderland here!  It was snowing all day here and just stopped a couple hours ago.
    Tomorrow, I'm probably going to Viareggio for the day where they have the second largest Carnevale celebration in Italy next to Venice!  Carnevale is Italy's equivalent to Mardi Gras, so it should be pretty fun!  
   Also, we finally nailed down our Spring Break trip after much debate and discussion.  A bunch of my friends and I are going to Sicily!!  We're flying from Pisa to Palermo for a week of fun, sun, beaches, Roman ruins, excellent food, and beautiful island sights!  It should be very relaxing and fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nora,

    I was lucky to come across your blog when I googled "contrada fountains". I hope you find them all and a map of their location would be great. I love all your photos. It was wonderful to read your Milan blogs as I'll be there next week. I am travelling to Italy 17 March till 19 April to walk the Via Francigena from Pontremoli to Buonconvinto. Others in the group are going on to Rome. enjoy your special time - cheers, Jill
