20 April 2010

Stuck in Valencia

   ¡Hola everyone!  I´m writing to you from the hostel computer in Valencia, Spain where I am stranded because of the volcanic ash that´s been spewing out of the world´s worst volcano!  I have a flight scheduled for tomorrow out of Valencia and into Rome, and everything online says that it´s on-time and not cancelled, yet.  There´s a possibility that it´ll be cancelled if Rome´s airport is closed, so please keep your fingers crossed for me.  I´m also alone here in Valencia.  I was going to get on the same flight my three friends were, but just as I tried to book it, the flight sold out.  I had the option of either taking a train to Barcelona this morning at 2 am and flying out of there (if my flight didn´t get cancelled), or taking a flight out of Valencia today and having to stay alone for a night.  For multiple reasons, I decided to stay and pray that my flight tomorrow (Wednesday) won´t be cancelled.  It´s turned out to be a good thing that I stayed, because I just heard that Barcelona is a mad-house and most flights out are cancelled.  Also, I´ve met some really nice people in the hostel I´m staying in who are also stranded.  That´s the update!  Hopefully, I will be in Siena tomorrow and can post photos from Valencia, because I have some good ones!  Adios! 

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