22 April 2010

Safely Back in Siena

    I'm finally back safe & sound in Siena after a long day of traveling yesterday!  I woke up at 9 am, checked to see if my flight was still on-time, left the hostel, got a breakfast of fresh-baked croissants & Valencia oranges at the central market, and then took the metro to the airport.  It was surprisingly calm at the airport, and it turned out that I had arrived an hour early, since the check-in counter opens 2 hours before the flight.  My flight was delayed in Valencia for 90 minutes, but landed in Rome only 45 minutes late.  When I arrived in the Rome airport, I took an hour-long train to the Tiburtina bus station in Rome to buy my bus ticket.  The next bus didn't leave for a while, so I spontaneously decided to hop on the nearby metro with my big backpack and go to the Colosseum.  It was so beautiful, especially with the sun shining on it just before sunset.

When I got back to the bus station, I hopped on the bus and dropped me off in Siena about 3 hours later.  I was so exhausted when I got back yesterday that I fell into bed and slept for a long time before having to wake up today for a class.  It feels so weird to have missed the majority of the week; I had one class today, one tomorrow, and then it's the weekend again!  I had such a good time in Valencia, even if I was stuck there!  It turned out to be quite an adventure and I definitely won't forget it anytime soon.  Check back soon for a full post on Valencia, complete with lots & lots of photos (I took over 500 photos in Valencia)!  Until then, arrivaderci!

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