05 May 2010

Updates & Paris

    Hello everyone!  I am so sorry that it's been so long since my last post.  My laptop is broken right now, and I don't know if and when I'll be able to get it fixed.  I've also been SUPER busy with traveling and schoolwork, since finals are coming up next week.  My goodness; where did the time go!?!?  I definitely don't feel like I've been here for 4 months!  I go home in exactly 10 days!!  However, looking back on my time here, I realize that I've done a lot and traveled a lot and accomplished almost everything that I set out to do by studying abroad.  One goal that I've accomplished that I'd like to share with you is that I've found all 17 contrada fountains!  As soon as I am able to, I'll post the photos that I've taken of the last few ones I've found.  I will also post photos from Valencia and Paris (my most recent trip) as soon as my computer is fixed and I'm able to load them on. 
    From Thursday, April 29th until yesterday, Tuesday May 4th I was in Paris celebrating my Birthday with a family friend who lives there with her Parisian boyfriend.  I had such a good time!  Since I was with people who live there, I got to see a lot of touristy things as well as more unknown areas and restaurants of Paris that tourists don't get to see.  I also got to spend some time with a bunch of their french friends, which was really special because if I had gone by myself, I probably wouldn't have met any french people.  I got some really cool pictures and I'm anxious to show them all to you, so bear with me!  Until later, au revoir!    

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